Tuesday 29 September 2015

Rick Santorum, Republican, former senator from Pennsylvania

It's easy to forget that Santorum won 11 states in his 2012 primary matchup with Mitt Romney, the eventual Republican nominee — including the Iowa caucus.
That's because so far — despite the fact that he's the first candidate to crisscross all of Iowa's 99 counties this time — he hasn't been even a blip on the radar in the 2016 race.
He is facing much stauncher competition this time around, and he has not solved his biggest problem from 2012 — money. He raised just over $600,000 in the last fundraising quarter, the kind of money that doesn't bode well for staying power in a crowded field.
The state that provided his biggest win in 2012 — Iowa — also hasn't given him the same kind of love. Despite his focus on the Hawkeye State, he still barely registers in polling there.
National polling average among Republican voters: 0.6% (11th)
Iowa: 1.5% (11th)
New Hampshire: 0.3% (T-13th)
South Carolina: N/A

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