There’s a premium on raw intelligence—particularly the math and science type. But it drives people to forget what’s important: It’s not the sum of your employees’ Math SAT scores, it’s the sum of their intelligence, talent, leadership, and perseverance.
And that last element—perseverance—is what you need an especially heady dose of.
Forbes publisher Rich Karlgaard, in his book The Soft Edge, tackles this subject when he speaks of ‘Smarts’:
The smartest people in business are not those with the highest general intelligence, or the overall aptitude for learning, thinking and application. Instead, they’re those who regularly put themselves in situations that require grit.Yes: grit! How many people on your team would you say have that?
When students apply to business school, they’re often asked to indicate how they’ve demonstrated grit and tenacity in their lives. Their general intelligence scores matter, yes, but what’s paramount to the admission decision is proof of a “can-do” attitude.
It’s unfortunate that many forget this when they exit school into the real world. Their pitch about themselves is more about their degree and GPA than what it took to get there.
So What Are “Smarts” In The Business World?
Most leaders would think of it as an ability to achieve, to endure and succeed through the tough times.
Tom Georgens, NetApp’s CEO, makes this observation in The Soft Edge:
I know this irritates a lot of people, but once you’re at a certain point in your career—and it’s not that far out, maybe five years—all the grades and academic credentials in the world don’t mean anything to anyone anymore. It’s all about accomplishment from that point onward.As Karlgaard notes, “To many CEOs, at some point, it just doesn’t matter anymore.”
There are members of my staff and I don’t even know where they went to college or what they studied.
Sit back and think about how your HR team recruits talent. When they go through masses of applications to build their shortlist, what do they look for? Which candidate has the most keywords that match the job description? Or do they look for signs that indicate that “go-getter” attitude?
Greg Becker, CEO of Silicon Valley Bank, puts it like this:
Some of the venture capital firms that I know—when they look for individuals—they want people who are scrappy, who have been through trials and tribulations. These people will figure out a way to make it work, no matter what.So Work Hard
In an age where media exposes us to so much of the world outside the home, individuals aren’t limited by the abilities they’ve inherited.
We can choose to be tough, resilient and persistent. We can acquire grit by regularly putting ourselves in tough situations.
Malcolm Gladwell famously suggested that expertise and consequent success is based on a “10,000-Hour Rule.” He gives examples of greatness achieved from relentless perseverance: such as Bill Gates and The Beatles.
Logic asks why we don’t all line up to adopt this sure-shot formula for success. But it’s hard to do, because, well, it’s ten thousand hours. (How many of us can honestly say that we even manage a regular diet or a diligent gym regime?)
However, those who do manage it truly deserve to win. Salespeople who make more calls will always outperform those who make fewer. That’s’ not because it raises the chances of success, but because facing up to the gritty task of making a call puts them on a faster learning curve.
They learn, more rapidly, what works and what doesn’t. They overcome rejection more swiftly.
Maynard Webb, chairman of the board for Yahoo! and a board member for, sums it up like this:
What I’m looking for is talent. And talent isn’t just intellect. Talent is also what you did. If you’re an entrepreneur trying to break through, it’s hard work. You have to be tough, you have to be willing to take lots of body blows. So I’m looking for that grit factor.The Bottom Line
The traditional “Smarts” matters less in business than people expect.
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