Wednesday 19 November 2014

Business development Consultancy Services

MOD Consultancy are based in Islamabad, and provides new and existing businesses with a wide range of business development solutions. Whether you are an individual, SME or operating within the corporate sector, we believe that your experience of working with us should be as positive as possible. Therefore, we focus on what your requirements are, and tailor our services accordingly. Through sharing best practices, providing mentoring, training and support, we will help your business reach its full potential.
In order to help you achieve increased productivity and a more organised business, we can provide the following services:
  • Business Recruitment Services Our Recruitment Consultant will manage your recruitment needs efficiently, increasing the speed and quality of hires at a lower cost. We will save you time and money by managing the recruitment process from the start.
  • Complete Marketing Solutions We can look after every aspect of your marketing – whether it simply a one off advert, a comprehensive series of adverts or a telemarketing campaign.
  • Corporate Image At MOD Consultancy we will help you create the image you want, and then run that identity across all of your literature and advertising.
  • Customer Service It is crucial to look after your customers in order to retain them. We can provide training on all aspects of high quality customer care.
  • Development As a fully qualified NLP ( Neuro Linguisitic Programming) Practitioner, we can either help to develop your business skills or aid personal development.
  • Diary Management Operating an efficient diary is invaluable. We will show you how to make your business more productive, and use your time more effectively.
  • Effective Territorial Management Unproductive sales people are detrimental to your business and to their morale. With effective territorial management you can achieve better results from your sales people.
  • Identifying Poor Business Practices Most businesses have areas for improvement. We can identify these areas and support your business by providing solutions to help overcome them.
  • Time Management Do you lose time during your working day? Learn how to take control of your time, and work more productively.
  • Many More Business Organising Ideas.

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